For those of you running summer programming, you know that planning doesn't begin in June, it actually begins the September after your summer program. It really does take a full year to effectively plan and prepare for just 6, 8 or 12 weeks of summer programming.
This updated guide, Getting to Work on Summer Learning, 2nd Edition: Guidance for running summer learning programs, including recommendations for early planning, hiring and sticking to firm enrollment deadlines. You can download the full report here (90 pages). Each chapter focuses on various components of planning, from fundraising, to recruiting and hiring staff.

This Summer Learning toolkit contains the following resources in the following 5 domains: Planning & Management, Academics & Enrichment, Staff and Professional Development, Site Climate, and Student Recruitment and Attendance.
"This evidence-based toolkit combines the research and guidance offered in RAND’s study and translates it to a practical application model that users can employ when planning for the different facets of their summer programming. With specific sections and tools dedicated to Academics & Enrichment, Staffing, Student Recruitment, and Site Climate, the Toolkit offers a clear path for those at any stage of the planning process, with any level of program planning experience. Each of the customizable resources is designed to allow you to tailor it to your individual program or district; sample documents provide examples of other programs’ most successful practices. Field experts have laid out clear advice and guidance for the best ways to use the tools and resources available."
To best direct your efforts, check out the “How To Get Started” tab within the Toolkit to see where your particular role or planning priorities align with a specific tool.
Looking for support in developing or improving your summer program? Contact us: we have a professional learning community opportunity just for you!