Offerings include: in-person workshops, peer to peer mentoring,
book & film clubs, field trips, and on-site training. Offerings take place between 9am-5pm, in the evening and on the weekend to best accommodate your needs and schedule.
They take place throughout Philadelphia. Customization is available for your organization.
We've designed our offerings based on the following ideals:

Learning Requires Time for Application & Reflection
Most topics are offered through a minimum of three sessions, with time in between each one so participants have time to apply what they are learning
and for reflection.

Offerings are aligned with the Core Competencies and also with the roles staff play in order to meet them where they are at and build from their strengths.

Integration of Adult Learning Principles
Adult learning principles influence the way sessions are developed and facilitated: •Active Learning •Considers & builds from previous experience •Relevant •Goal oriented •Engaging •Emotional connection

Learning is More Fun
with a Peer
People are encouraged to attend sessions with a colleague or peer.
It makes learning more fun, and makes it more likely to remember what was learned when back on site when you have a colleague who learned alongside you!

Relevant & Research-Informed
We are part of a national field and our offerings are on the cutting edge of topics and trends facing youth development professionals locally and nationally.

Build from the assets of the participants and of the field.

We Model it So
You Can Do it
People are more likely to try and apply what they experience, so the facilitators model how participants can and often how they should use the lessons on-site.

Learning Takes Place in Various Settings
Learning doesn't JUST happen in a classroom, as such, sometimes we'll meet at a coffee shop, a maker-space, a library or recreation center. We can even come to your organization.

Skilled Facilitators
We engage a network of highly skilled and diverse individuals and organizations to offer sessions on various topics.