Executive Leaders Trauma Informed Professional Learning Community (PLC)
9 Fridays Feb 11, 2022- May 20, 2022
|Zoom link to be provided
Now, more than ever, it is important for executive leaders to have a safe space to deepen and expand their learning about the impact of trauma as it pertains to our communities, our organizations including, participants, staff, volunteers, and board of directors.

Time & Location
9 Fridays Feb 11, 2022- May 20, 2022
Zoom link to be provided
About the event
In the spring of 2020, the entire world experienced multiple traumas related to the emergence of Covid-19, and the awaking (for some) to the centuries old systemic racism and white supremacy that is part of our American history, and part of our non-profit and youth-serving organizations. Dannyelle Austin and Rebecca Fabiano started the Executive Leaders Trauma Informed Professional Learning Community (PLC) in 2018, and feel that it is more important now than ever for executive leaders to have a safe space to deepen and expand their learning about the impact of trauma as it pertains to our communities, our organizations including, participants, staff, volunteers, and board of directors.
Goal: To equip executive leaders of youth serving and nonprofit organizations with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to engage in whole systems thinking around creating and sustaining a trauma informed culture.
Objectives: As a result of participating in this learning community (PLC), organizations and individuals will:
- Use information, resources and tools provided in the PLC to answer the question: “What does it mean to be trauma informed at our organization?”;
- Explore their organization’s core values, policies and practice using a trauma informed lens;
- Discuss the impact of Covid-19, a world-wide traumatic occurrence, on your organization using a trauma informed lens; and
- Expand networks and learn from peers in a supportive environment.
Audience: Senior level staff of Youth Serving & Nonprofit organizations. This includes people within the organization that have decision-making capabilities, such as executive directors, vice presidents, deputy directors, program directors, etc. Organizations are required to identify two people from their organization, such as an ED and a board member or other senior staff person; we’ll leave it to you to determine who that is, and are happy to help you decide who from your organization might make the right second participant.